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Accessibility and Connectivity knowledge hub for Urban Transformation in Europe

Programm / Ausschreibung Mobilitätssystem, Mobilitätssystem, ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity Ausschreibung 2022 Status laufend
Projektstart 01.09.2022 Projektende 31.12.2024
Zeitraum 2022 - 2024 Projektlaufzeit 28 Monate
Keywords urban mobility and transport; urban accessibility and connectivity; transformative knowledge; dissemination, knowledge and research management; stakeholder activation and involvement


ACUTE zielt darauf ab, einen Knowledge Hub für ENUAC aufzubauen, der den Wissensaustausch im Thema "urban accessibility and connectivity" ermöglicht. Ziel ist es, die Fragmentierung von Erkenntnissen, Erfahrungen, Kompetenzen und Ergebnissen zu überwinden. ACUTE befasst sich mit den Herausforderungen einer nachhaltigen städtischen Personenmobilität, Güterverkehr und Konnektivität als integralen und wesentlichen Bestandteil einer nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung.
ACUTE zielt darauf ab, einen Raum für Stakeholder-Austausch und Co-Creation zu schaffen. Es bietet ein integratives Umfeld für städtische Akteure mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund (Forscher, Praktiker, öffentliche Verwaltung, Unternehmer, soziale Innovatoren usw.), um aktuelle Themen und Prioritäten zu diskutieren und die dringendsten städtischen Herausforderungen von heute und der Zukunft zu identifizieren.
ACUTE wird ENUAC-finanzierte Projekte unterstützen und eine projektübergreifende Zusammenarbeit ermöglichen. Außerdem wird es Wissen aus diesen Projekten extrahieren, konsolidieren und synthetisieren und es anderen Interessengruppen und Projekten zur Verfügung stellen. Darüber hinaus wird es Bemühungen zur Unterstützung von Praktikern und zum Mainstreaming von Forschungsergebnissen initiieren und strategische Unterstützung für das zukünftige Horizon Europe-Programm DUT leisten.
ACUTE verfügt über ein sorgfältig ausgewähltes Konsortium aus geografisch unterschiedlichen Regionen und komplementären Wissensgebieten mit Kontakten zu relevanten Netzwerken. Dadurch wird die Verbreitung der Projektergebnisse in vielen Ländern und Städten in Europa sichergestellt.


The ACUTE project is aimed at establishing a Knowledge Hub for ENUAC that enables exchange within the field of urban accessibility and connectivity. The purpose is to overcome the fragmentation of findings, experiences, competences and results. ACUTE addresses the challenges of sustainable urban passenger mobility, freight transport and connectivity as an integral and essential part of sustainable urban development.
ACUTE aims at creating a space for stakeholder exchange and co-creation. It provides an inclusive environment for urban actors with diverse backgrounds (researchers, practitioners, public administrators, entrepreneurs, social innovators, etc.) to discuss current themes and priorities and identify the most pressing urban challenges of today and the future.
ACUTE will support ENUAC funded projects and enable cross-project cooperation. Also it will extract, consolidate and synthesise knowledge from these projects and provide it to other stakeholders and projects. Further it will initiate efforts to support practitioners and the mainstreaming of research results and provide strategic support for the future Horizon Europe Program DUT.
ACUTE has a carefully selected consortium from geographically different regions and complimentary areas of knowledge with contacts to relevant networks. This will ensure the dissemination of the project outcomes to many countries and cities in Europe.


The ACUTE Project had three main goals to be fulfilled during the two year project duration. In the followien the goals and achievements are summarised.

1. Supporting Funded ENUAC Projects & Cross-Project Cooperation

The ACUTE project effectively facilitated cross-project collaboration among 15 ENUAC projects through bi-weekly meetings, surveys, interviews, and workshops. Also incorporated in the analysis were the four ENUAC Innovation Action Call projects. Key activities included a roundtable seminar in June 2024, a midterm meeting, and a final event with over 48 participants from 15 EU countries and beyond. The project identified challenges in urban transformation, emphasizing the role of intermediaries like Knowledge Hubs in bridging academia and practice. A notable recommendation was establishing a structured infrastructure for disseminating research outputs, such as searchable databases and interaction forums.

2. Supporting Practitioners & Mainstreaming Research Results

ACUTE organized seminars in Milan, Antwerp, and Karlsruhe, fostering academic-practitioner dialogue on urban accessibility. Workshops with networks like POLIS and UERA highlighted obstacles in implementing the 15-minute city concept and stressed the need for inclusive planning and better communication. National Pilot Workshops in Austria, France, Sweden, the UK, and Latvia further deepened this collaboration. Guidelines for effective research communication (D3.3) were also developed to aid researchers in reaching diverse audiences, ensuring research findings translate into actionable solutions.

3. Strategic Support for Horizon Europe Partnership Program DUT and long-term scenarios for a Knowledge hub

ACUTE provided strategic recommendations for DUT based on comprehensive analyses of ENUAC projects and other European initiatives. Deliverables included text mining of project reports, highlighting research gaps and opportunities for aligning future funding calls with DUT goals. Key insights stressed the importance of engaging local stakeholders throughout project lifecycles, promoting experimental approaches, and addressing unresolved research questions on urban accessibility and connectivity. ACUTE actively contributed to DUT’s agenda by participating in workshops and offering actionable advice, some of which has already been adopted.

The ACUTE project, particularly through WP5, underscored the critical need for a long-term Knowledge Hub for the DUT programme, aimed at centralizing valuable data, fostering collaboration, and connecting diverse stakeholders to enhance the impact of EU-funded research. Following an assessment of various platform models, the Community platform scenario was identified as the most cost-effective and sustainable option, offering room for community-driven development. This approach was detailed in key deliverables and discussed with DUT and JPI, leading to the creation of the 15-minute cities Community on the Expertises Territoires platform as a proof of concept. While ACUTE believes this initiative can significantly contribute to DUT’s future Knowledge Hub, further development depends on DUT’s internal deliberations.