Crowd in Motion
EDIH for crowd technology and AI for motion data analytics for the alpine tourism and sports industry
Programm / Ausschreibung | Digitale Technologien, Digitale Technologien, EDIH (international) Ausschreibung 2022 | Status | laufend |
Projektstart | 01.01.2023 | Projektende | 31.12.2025 |
Zeitraum | 2023 - 2025 | Projektlaufzeit | 36 Monate |
Keywords | crowd technology; motion data analytics; digital fabrication labs; Internet of things; artificial intelligence |
"Crowd in Motion" (CiMo-Hub) ist ein Europäischer Digitaler Innovationshub (EDIH), der auf die Nutzung von Crowd Technologie, künstliche Intelligenz für Motion Data Analytics durch Internet of Things (IoT) Anwendungen, FabLabs als Experimentierlabore sowie Zugang zu Finanzierung für die grüne und digitale Transformation der alpinen Tourismus- und Sportindustrie fokussiert.
Das Dienstleistungs-Portfolio von Crowd in Motion enthält ein umfassendes Set an Services, die KMUs und öffentliche Einrichtungen in ihrer digitalen Transformation unterstützen. Aktuelle Herausforderungen in der alpinen Tourismus- und Sportindustrie werden gemeinsam mit Hilfe der Innovationskraft von Startups, KMUs und kreativen Bürgern gelöst. Crowd in Motion nutzt die Schwarmintelligenz von Bürgern und Konsumenten, um künftige Marktpotenziale zu erschließen. Das Portfolio umfasst 68 Services, die auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse der KMUs sowie ihren jeweiligen digitalen Reifegrad Rücksicht nehmen.
Das Konsortium von Crowd in Motion besteht aus 7 erfahrenen und stark komplementären Partnern, die Technologie-Expertise für die digitale Transformation (Crowd Technologie, IoT, KI, Behaviour Analytics), Testinfrastrukturen, Innovations- und Digitalisierungs-Trainings sowie finanzielle Dienste verbinden zusammen mit einem langfristigen Zugang zu Innovations-Intermediären, Inkubatoren und Tourismus- und Sport-Cluster-Organisationen.
"Crowd in Motion" (CiMo-Hub) is an European digital innovation hub (EDIH) focusing on accelerating the use of crowd technology and AI for motion data analytics through Internet of Things (IoT), FabLabs and access to finance for the green and digital transformation of the alpine tourism and sports industry.
The CiMo-Hub service portfolio encompasses a complete set of services targeting SMEs and public institutions with activities accelerating their digital transformation. CiMo-Hub contributes to a twin transition approach for a green and digital Europe. Current challenges in the alpine tourism and sport sector are jointly solved with the help of the innovative power of startups, SMEs and creative citizens. Based on a bottom up innovation approach, it uses crowd intelligence to identify citizen and customer needs and future market potential. CiMo-Hub’s broad portfolio comprises 68 services focusing on SMEs’ individual requirements and taking account of the status of their digital maturity.
● Service field 1 - Advanced digital skills: It provides training schemes for digital pioneers at a low-threshold access to digital fabrication and data analytics prototyping by using e.g. a sustainability challenge. It builds skills capacity for the circular process of innovation, Design Thinking, basic electronics and data understanding, leading to new digital products and services.
● Service field 2 - Open innovation ecosystem & crowd ideation: Low threshold access to the national tourism and sport research and innovation ecosystem by integrating newcomers, lead users (21,000 members in the CiMo-Hub open innovation community) and startups in the already strong stakeholder networks of Salzburg Research Institute (RTO focusing on IoT), Innovation Service Network (crowd technology and access to finance) and their innovation initiatives (e.g. Digital Motion Technology Center, the Crowd Dialog Europe Network), as well as the digital fabrication labs Werkstätte Wattens, Makerspace Carinthia, Pioniergarage Salzburg and Gemini Startup Base. The CiMo-Hub ensures access to European collaboration among three initiated EDIH corridors working in similar fields of technologies or industries. 45 European and national partners and experts are already committed to refer their clients to services in the themes:
A: Data analytics and sensor technology for tourism and sports;
B: Crowd intelligence and technology for public innovation;
C: Platform economy and digital business models.
● Service field 3 - Test before invest: Access to five experimentation facilities to develop and test the added value of data-based solutions for sustainable tourism and sports and develop products in digital manufacturing labs or sensor data sandboxes and real-life test environments.
● Service field 4 - Access and training to use crowdfunding for SMEs useful in the early phase of digital tourism and sports innovation by leveraging private funds, e.g. through crowdfunding support, matching initiatives with green investments and innovative public procurement by the associated partner IÖB (Federal agency for innovative public procurement). Crowd financing generates a “Test and Invest” environment for SMEs or match funding of public organisations with citizens. It is the first step to digital business modelling and enables access to additional financing opportunities. Acquiring additional finance of 3 Mio € is envisaged.
The EDIH “Crowd in Motion” is targeting SMEs and public organisations in the Austrian alpine regions Salzburg, Tyrol, Carinthia (NUTS AT2 & 3) and neighbouring countries, such as Czechia, Slovenia, Italy and Germany. CiMo-Hub is already integrated in the European landscape of other European innovation hubs focusing on related technologies and sector knowledge. The hub via its consortium members is already partner in the European Enterprise Network (EEN) and will leverage on these networks. By inviting startups from the StartUp Europe initiative into theme-related challenges, the hub opens the joint creative project work via the Ambassador Network to be part of the European open invitation process. CiMo-Hub guarantees a transparent selection process of SMEs with support of the digital maturity assessment team and an online-application process. The hub contributes to the European policy path towards green and smart tourism and sports (Green Deal), sustainable finance and the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.
The CiMo-Hub consortium is composed of 7 experienced and strong complementary partners joining technologies for digital transformation (IoT, AI & behaviour analytics), test infrastructure, innovation and advanced digital skills training and financial services, together with long-lasting access to innovation intermediaries, accelerators and tourism and sport cluster organisations.