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e-ntermobility 2.0

e-ntermobility 2.0 Informations- und Serviceportal für den fließenden und ruhenden Individualverkehr

Programm / Ausschreibung AT:net, Phase 4, AT-net (4) 1. Ausschreibung Status abgeschlossen
Projektstart 01.03.2016 Projektende 31.08.2017
Zeitraum 2016 - 2017 Projektlaufzeit 18 Monate


Mit der Anpassung und Markteinführung des deviceunabhängigen „e-ntermobility 2.0“ Informations- und Serviceportals wird den steigenden und geänderten Bedürfnissen und Anforderungen der Konsumenten (Individualverkehr und insbesondere Nutzer von Elektrofahrzeugen) sowie der Wirtschaft und der öffentlichen Verwaltung (Serviceanbieter, Parkbewirtschafter, Fahrzeughersteller, Kommunen) Rechnung getragen. „e-ntermobility“ betont hierbei den webbasierten mobilen Eintritt in das Metier der Elektro-Mobilität. Der hierfür existierende Prototyp soll im Rahmen dieses Projektes zur Marktreife gebracht und in einen Testmarkt eingeführt werden. Die Lösung stellt einen wichtigen Baustein im Rahmen des kontinuierlichen Aufbaus notwendiger Infrastruktur für die Intermobilität – insbesondere bei der Benutzung von Elektrofahrzeugen - sowie damit verbundener Services (Parkmöglichkeiten, Ladestationen, Abrechnungsmechanismen, Informationsplattformen, Bordcomputer) dar. Der Schwerpunkt im Rahmen der Markteinführung soll darauf gelegt werden, die Integration der unterschiedlichen Beteiligten (öffentlich oder privat betriebene Ladeinfrastruktur) sowie der damit zusammenhängenden Services, Informationen und Daten sowie die hierfür notwendige Awareness herzustellen. Mit der Fertigstellung und Markteinführung von „e-ntermobility“ möchten wir den CO2-Ausstoss (Optimierung des Verkehrsflusses – Parkplatzsuche) reduzieren, die Förderung und Unterstützung bei der Nutzung von Elektromobilität transparent gestalten, die wirtschaftliche Produktivität durch Optimierung von Wegzeiten erhöhen, die Verkehrssicherheit durch optimierte und angepasste Bedienfunktionen (SmartPhone Apps, Integration in Bordcomputer) verbessern und den Datenaustausch zwischen den unterschiedlichen Serviceanbietern standardisieren. Die detaillierte, stets aktuelle und qualitativ hochwertige Visualisierung der verfügbaren Services (Parkplatzreservierung, e-Tankstellen, barrierefreie Zugänge und Zusatzservices) soll zur positiven Bewusstseinsbildung für Elektromobilität, für alternative Verkehrsträger und für den Umweltschutz im Allgemeinen beitragen.


Individual motor car traffic and transport will continuously increase in future - in urban and also suburban and rural areas. Electric vehicles and vehicles with other alternative power sources will be used more and more – due to economical, ecological and environmentally reasons. Current available solutions available for customers have a number of limitations (local restrictions, low service offerings, only selected suppliers, dangerous in-car usage) and do not fully respect the user requirements concerning usability (e.g. in-car-usage, full set of information).

The industry (e.g. parking, suppliers of infrastructure) and local authorities are looking for standardized interfaces and databases (content management) to reduce costs for data handling and maintenance. They also require different online channels where it is possible to present their products and services as well as advertising. The availability of high quality of data, centralized data processing and standardized interfaces and interface-handling enables car-manufacturers and other service-providers (e.G. ÖAMTC, NOKIA Here, Google) to use the provided data and improve their own services like car-onboard-computer, navigation-systems, Google maps with rich POI’s (point of interests). The main essentials within the project product launch of the e-ntermobility portal are:

• Allocation of a multi-channel Application for consumers (especially for users of electric vehicles). Usage available on all state of the art technologies like smartphones, car on-board computer, internet-browser
• Allocation of a hosted content-platform to be used by providers of infrastructure and services (data maintenance, visualisation) with the possibility to link further business processes like prebooking, user identification, customer loyalty programs and accounting.
• Availability of standardized interface and secure data exchange. For smaller organisations it is intended to offer the possibility to mange master data manually based on a B2B-Login.
• Online processing and providing of static and dynamic data (e.g. occupancy status of charging station and parking lots) to be used by car manufacturers, internet service providers and local authorities.

The prototype platform is developed based on the use of state-of-the-art technologies – both, the backend and front-end applications. The architecture is designed to provide scalability and stability as well as performance. Features and modules of the existing prototype are:

• Hosted content database for managing the master data of POI’s. Data import interface and manual handling available.
• Map – visualisation of POIs
o Data presentation (visualisation) based on internet browser technology
o Data presentation (visualisation) based on smartphone – Apps (iOS/Android)
• Visualisation of additional service offerings assigned to POI’s (charging station, car-wash, etc.)
• Search options
• Integration of navigation (Web & App)
• Push messaging integrated

Regarding to the product launch activities the sourcing of the important data based on

• Points of interests (e.g. parking facilities managed private or by local authorities)
• Collection of information about infrastructure (e.g. charging stations) offered by different suppliers
• Setup of automated data exchange (static data, dynamic data)

The activation of commercial B2B partners for data usage will include

• Car manufacturer
• Online service provider (e.g. Parkopedia, Nokia, TomTom, etc.)
• Other industries (local authorities, shopping malls, airports)
• Online and social marketing
• Workshops, Trade exhibitions
• Direct sales

With the implementation of the e-ntermobility portal we cover the requirements of the customers/consumers (B2C) and different types of industry as well as local authorities. Providers of infrastructure and services will be enabled to use standardized interfaces to bring their facilities and services immediately online. The data handling will be secure and accurate to provide high-quality data to the consumer using all available channels. For smaller organisations without own IT manual data management will be offered.

Key success factor for the product launch is the possibility to start sales activities in an early stage of the project to activate data sources (infrastructure) and possible purchasers of the data.